The annual marathon was run!


On March 12th, Tashkent hosted the V International Tashkent Marathon, as well as the "Yangi Nafas" and "Men - g'olib!" races. Every year this sporting event precedes Nowruz fest, and this year it was held under the slogan "Together against tuberculosis". Despite the rainy weather, a large number of running enthusiasts came to the start line.

Traditionally, the marathon participants included specialists of Enter Engineering Group of Companies, which pays great attention to the development of physical culture and sports, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. It bears noting that many people brought their family members and children to the event. Though the sports result was not of fundamental importance, some our employees renewed their personal achievements in the chosen distances.

- “This was my third such race this year, - said Ilyas Temirkhanov, the participant of the marathon from Enter Engineering. But this particular one was the most interesting for me in terms of experience and approach, the weather conditions had an impact. Despite the rain and wind, I managed to keep for 2 hours on the distance of 21 kilometers. Such competitions are a good opportunity to test your strength. I was glad that among the participants there were parents and children, it is the most wonderful thing when different generations have common hobbies”.

A very enjoyable moment of the marathon was the win of 7-year-old Liliana in 1 km race (9 y.o. and under, girls’ group). Liliana is a daughter of our colleague Denis Mambetov. She confidently covered the distance and deservedly stood on the top step of the winners’ podium.

The company's sporting traditions will be certainly multiplied, and we will see our athletes competing in various competitions and championships many times.


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