Development of the Tebinbulak field
The construction works at the Tebinbulak field located in the Karauzyak region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, where the mining and metallurgical complex (MMC) is being constructed, are in progress. The production capacity of the future plant for finished products in the form of direct reduced iron will be 3.6 million tons per year.
The client of the project is Triangul Metals Tebinbulak FE LLP, EPC-Contractor is Enter Engineering. The design is carried out by specialists of UzLITI Engineering. The purpose of the project is to produce raw materials and steel products to meet the needs of domestic iron and steel plants.

Currently, works are carried out at the main process areas of the MMC:
- open-pit mine (58 million tons of ore per year to meet production needs for feedstock);
- ore processing plant (producing 5 million tons of iron-ore concentrate from ore);
- pellet plant (5 million tons of iron ore pellets from iron ore concentrate);
- Direct Reduced Iron plant (designed capacity is 5 million tons per year of direct reduced iron).

A total of 122 employees and 59 units of construction equipment are involved in the project. At the moment, the confirmatory drilling, geological exploration and calculation of reserves according to international JORC standards are being completed at the field.
Also, on February 25th, 2023, a large-scale rock blast was conducted at Tebinbulak, marking the beginning of field development. Triangul Metals Tebinbulak contracted Eriell Well Solution to organize and conduct drilling and blasting operations. All blasting operations were carried out by highly qualified specialists, who were specially trained and familiarized with the safety procedures for working at these sites. During the explosion, all employees were relocated to a safe distance, outside the boundary of the hazardous zone (700 m).
In parallel, UzLITI Engineering is developing a detailed design in accordance with the drafted schedule. About 80 specialists of the engineering company are involved, and additional personnel are engaged as required.