A holiday of cohesion, generosity and kindness!


Kurban Khait (Eid al-Adha) is a blessed holiday! It really is a day of unity, cohesion and solidarity, a symbol of endless kindness and generosity.

As a socially responsible company, it has become a good tradition at Enter Engineering to hold events on the eve of this bright holiday, aimed at helping those who are most in need. Another charity event was held in cooperation with the ERIELL Group and the Humo Arena Multi-purpose ice complex.

Almost 400 families that have children with disabilities due to 38 different medical conditions were provided with assistance as part of the event, which was held on July 6. All of them are under the care and custody of the Public Association "APLA" - a non-profit nongovernmental organization dedicated towards rendering a social support for such families during the past 19 years.

That day the children accompanied by their parents were transported to the Humo Arena by special comfortable buses. The event organizers did everything to make them feel the holiday as soon as they arrived at the complex. From the early morning and throughout the day a friendly, hospitable atmosphere prevailed there, and also ... the smell of pilaf was incredible good. This particular treat was prepared by the Humo Arena administration for our guests!

Upon arrival, a tour of the complex was organized for everyone. The children and their attendants were able to step out onto the ice and feel like real hockey players for a few minutes - picking up a hockey stick and scoring the goal!

There was also a lot of fun and smiles at the skaters' performance, who delighted the audience with their fantastic performance of various figures and elements.

— We are very happy that this celebration has taken place. Attention and care are very important to us all, and are of double importance for people with disabilities. Many thanks to all the organizers such as Enter Engineering, ERIELL Group, Humo Arena - who did their part greatly by contributing towards the arrangement of this event. The greatest privilege a person has from above is to be the cause of good changes in someone's life," said Olesya Usmanova, the head of the Public Association “APLA”

The 116 participants were given packages of various foodstuffs. For those who could not attend the event (about 270 people), the foodstuffs were delivered by the organizers to their addresses.

Our photographic reportwill tell more eloquently than any words on how the event was held.



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