
The prestigious Russia and CIS HR Directors Summit took place in Moscow. Traditionally, the summit is the largest professional event for top HR executives of leading companies.  Notably, Enter Engineering, represented by Mr. Timur Abdullaev, Deputy General Director for Administration, was among the participants.

Enter Engineering was there for a reason: For several years it has been implementing a targeted strategy in the labor market, providing decent labor conditions, delivering basic and advanced training to its personnel in the required disciplines, developing managerial competencies for administrative and engineering staff, as well as delivering its talent pool.

The summit represents a fusion of conference, exhibition of HR solutions and services, as well as a ceremony of professional awards, including the Crystal Pyramid award. Notably, Mr. Abdullaev was on the prize list and received ‘HR Director in the CIS’ award!

—  Today the HR sphere and the HR experts are extremely important and the efficiency of the whole company mostly depends on their performance quality. We can say that HR experts should always be on the frontier, said Timur Abdullaev. — The main challenge we are struggling with at this stage is that job applicants lack the required level of qualifications and competencies. Our main goal therefore is to train future professionals starting at the earliest stages of child development. While in the past we used to train interns from universities, today we start providing training to school students. This comes through special programs to support schools and classrooms, exposing students to manufacturing processes. The seeds we sow today will grow into passion in the particular profession. I would also like to add that this award is the merit of the whole friendly HR team working in the company.

It can be said with confidence that the award we have received represents a global recognition of the right course chosen by Enter Engineering in its HR practices, which will only keep getting better and more advanced in the future!

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