Gazli UGS has entered the final straight


Enter Engineering specialists are making the final preparations for commissioning of Booster Compressor Station-6 (BCS-6) built within the Gazli UGS expansion  project in complex with additional exploration and additional development of gas horizons and oil rims of the field in Bukhara region.

The client of the project is Gazli Gas Storage JV LLC. The main objective of the project is to increase production and reserves of hydrocarbons, ensuring stable supplies to end users. The design was performed by UzLITI Engineering.

As of today, construction and installation works are almost completed, landscaping and planting of greenery is in progress. Commissioning of the BCS process equipment, the basis of which are two gas compression units (GCU) from SIEMENS Energy (Germany) with the capacity of 40 MW, is in progress. All works are carried out by experienced specialists and witnessed by the manufacturer’s representatives. Tests of the in-site process pipelines are also completed, and corrosion-resistant coating of pipelines is nearing completion.

Low Current Systems (LSS) specialists are installing fire and security alarm systems, and fire and gas detection system. To provide high-speed Internet access, 5.2 km fiber-optic cable was routed. About 2000 qualified workers and specialists are working at the site, 285 units of construction equipment are involved.

The start-up of the station is scheduled by the end of the current month.


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