Kindness makes the world a brighter place


Only kindness and mercy make the world a brighter and more beautiful place. Selflessly helping others, especially the disadvantaged and vulnerable, is what brightens our lives and warms our souls. The most important thing is that everything should be done sincerely with all one’s heart. In recent years Enter Engineering has been paying a special attention to charity and has been supporting people in need of care and attention.

Another charity event was held recently by the Company in order to provide material assistance and moral support to orphanages and houses of mercy. The Enter Engineering staff visited the Orphanage No22 named after A.P. Khlebushkina in Chilanzar district, House of mercy for persons with disabilities No 2 in Almazar district, Children's auxiliary boarding school No 30 in Yashnabad district, and a municipal non-profit organization Ziyo Nuri.

A total of 710 packages of food and sweeties were delivered to the above-mentioned institutions as part of the two-day event, which was carried out in compliance with quarantine measures.


Certainly, all such institutions are state-supported and have all the conditions necessary for orphans and children with disabilities to live with dignity. And charity events like this help orphans feel loved and cared for, and support their emotional disposition. In return, we get a ray of joy and gratitude in the children's eyes, as well as sincere wishes for success and prosperity. That is worth a lot...

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